Sunday 30 May 2010

Run Rabbit Run

The weather today has been 'indoor weather', horizontal rain hitting all the windows and doors. It stopped raining for half an hour and I took that opportunity to go outside, letting the dogs out for a pee and the chooks out of their muddy enclosure.

Gomez took off down the driveway and was ignoring my calls, so Sarah and I went for a walk to get him. By the time I'd gotten to the bottom of the drive, he was all the way up the service road and sniffing around the tree that marks the entrance to the highway. He understood that he was in trouble when I screamed at him "GET! IN! SIDE!" Sarah cowered at my feet, probably thinking 'Christ, I hope she's not talking to me'. He came trotting back, tail between legs and Sarah started up the drive. Hadn't gotten five metres up the driveway when a rabbit streaked past us in the front paddock and tried to squeeze out through the fence. Gomez started whimpering with excitement but Sarah didn't initially notice. As the rabbit (which was twice the size of Gomez) managed to get through the fence and across the bottom of the driveway and under the birch pines, Sarah noticed and was about to take off in pursuit. Luckily, she was well trained enough now that I could call her back, otherwise she'd be over the hills and far away! Still, if she had caught it, we could have had rabbit pie for dinner (for the next five nights)!

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