Tuesday 11 May 2010

Bye Bye Baby (teeth)

Mim lost her first two baby teeth last week.

She met me at the door of the daycare unit on the Wednesday afternoon absolutely besides herself with excitement. "Mac punched my tooth out" she screamed at me. Charleen, the daycare mum, looked horrified. "They were just playing and then she turned around and said her tooth had come out" she explained, "she wasn't crying or upset". I reassured her that the tooth had been very very wobbly and ready to come out for awhile.

(Mac's mum Kylie asked him later what had happened, he said it was all Jemima's fault, he was trying to punch her on the top of her head and she'd moved her head so he got her on the mouth instead!) LOL!!

We put the tooth in the glass of water over the sink and headed off for the cadet camp Mass.

The next morning, the tooth fairy had taken the tooth and placed $2 in the glass. Mim was very excited about the money. She went and told Mumma how rich she was and then, as she was coming back down the corridor, the second tooth just came out!

So two teeth in 24hrs, the tooth fairy will go broke at this rate!

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