Sunday 2 May 2010

Re Planting the Avenue of Honour

The Black Saturday fire in February last year decimated the old Avenue of Honour, trees planted to commemorate veterans.

Using a government grant, a community day was held to replant this Avenue, using native Australian trees, rather than the birch pines that had preceded.

We started with a free breakfast at the Showgrounds, a choice of bacon and egg sandwiches, cereal, juice, tea, coffee, all catered by the local Rotary group. It started raining lightly but that didn't last long. By the time we walked up to the Avenue a weak sun was trying to break through. The kids had a good play on a pile of dirt in the showgrounds, although I did have to tell more than one child not to throw hardened lumps of dirt at each other (Baydn, that means you too!)

eating a bacon sammy
playing king of the hill - Gypsy, Jemima and some other kid
Our esteemed Mayor, in his bestest hat

Mac, Baydn and Jordy waiting for the planting to start

The local children were given a special spade each and a tree to plant.

Michael and Mim got hijacked. They had to share planting with Dan Tehan, the local Liberal candidate and his family. Seems like a nice enough guy, but one of his daughters could use a good kick up the backside, she was a fair little minx.

Got some nice photos of Michael talking to Dan, which, when flicked through quickly, looks like Michael's doing some funky chicken dance!

Thought about setting this to Beyonce's Single Ladies

After our trees had been successfully taken out of their pots and placed in the predug hole in the ground, we all went back into town to the RSL rooms for morning tea. Lovely (cold) party pies, sausage rolls, cream cakes, jelly slices... yum, yum, yum. Jelly slice and cream cakes are also great for decorating the carpet, thanks to the interior decorating skills of several small children.

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