Monday 18 May 2009


On Tuesdays, I look after one of Mim's Kindy mates, Nathaniel. His mother works up at Monivae with Michael, so she drops him off here in the mornings, I take him to Kindy with Mim and pick them up in the afternoon before dropping him off at Monivae when I collect Caitlin, then drop Mim off at ballet. So, you can see, Tuesday afternoons are hectic.

Anyway, Mim and Nathaniel fight like cats and dogs when they are here. Nathaniel has a habit of saying everything of his and his family's is bigger and better than Mim's. She gets a bit put out by this, and now doesn't want Nathaniel to touch any of her toys or watch her tv or be in her room, or pat her dog, etc, etc, etc.

Last Tuesday morning, Mim was in a bit of a tizz because she'd thought Nathaniel had said she was only four, not five. Nathaniel told her she was wrong. She said she wasn't, that he'd said she wasn't five. Nathaniel came back with "I didn't! And I don't lie! I only lie at home!"

It was almost as good as his comment at Mim's party. When his elder sister E said she like a lolly bag, I told her that I didn't have any spares "but I'm sure Nathaniel will share his with you". Nathaniel just looked at me and said, "I don't want to share yet!"

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