Wednesday, 6 May 2009

It's Green, at last

Two weekends ago we had 20mm of rain over 4 days. Well, it was probably more than 20mm, but that's the last reading of the rainfall indicator before Lulu jumped the fence and knocked it over. It was shower after shower after shower. And it was cold. And it was the weekend that Caitlin had her karate camp in Port Fairy, where they had a swim.... in the great southern ocean. You know, the ocean that has icebergs on the other side. Any surprises that she got a cold from it????

Anyway, those four days were good and bad. The large water tank in the western paddock is now 3/4 full. There was no point even trying to do any housework, the dogs kept tracking in muddy feet despite best efforts of wiping them down.

Within a week, the parched brown paddocks started turning green. Now, two weeks later, there's lots and lots of green. The dead dirt area under Mim's swing is now green, the top paddock is now green, the hills around us are green. The paddocks that were burnt black 3 months ago are green. And they've started burning off the dead trees from the fires. Each day I drive through an avenue of funeral pyres, which have been burning for about a week now, each day they just add more wood/branches/rubbish to the pile. Once they are all cleaned up, the council can start planting some more trees.

We've had heavy fog roll in most mornings, which has helped add more green to the ground. I'd despaired of the yard ever getting grass again.

Yay, Green!

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