Thursday, 5 March 2009

Ladies, what do you think?

I'd like to know what you readers think about this legal ownership of property conundrum that is facing me.

Say your partner was given a Terry's Orange Chocolate before Christmas last year, and that Orange Chocolate is still sitting in the fridge. Bearing in mind that chocolate has a use by date of less than 48 hours after purchase (ignore the date the manufacturers give you on the box, they have no idea what they are talking about), and the fact that the chocolate has been untouched for almost 3 months - does this mean that the property has been abandoned????? And is up for grabs by any chocoholic (aged over 21, Caitlin and Jemima)!!!

Also bear in mind that said ex-owner of chocolate would leave his Easter eggs in the fridge until almost Christmas!

Let me know what you think!?!?


Carla said...

jay-sus woman - you waited 3 months - in our house, if your chocolate is sitting in my fridge and i've been through a whole cycle and am back at that place where chocolate is not safe... then hell, it gets eaten. you snooze you lose - EAT THE DAMN CHOCOLATE :)
love you

Shaz said...

I have been very VERY well restrained, but let's face it, Jemima's going to work out what it is soon and then it'll be gone!

Anonymous said...

The concepts of any one of res nullius, tera nullius or chocolata nullius DO NOT APPLY. Leave it alone....

Anonymous said...

That's terra nullius - it still applies, keep away from my thigh food!.....Apart from which you don't like orange flavour...and you have other chocolate in the cupboard...and you don't like chocolate out of the fridge...and you're really dumb for alerting me to the potential of a raid...and I'm taking it to work...

Shaz said...

Your wishes have been noted Michael, and duly ignored like always. You know if you take it to work, someone there will filch it. And the chocolate in the cupboard will run out within 48 hours... and as it is 4 weeks either before or after a period, it is very dangerous to leave me with no chocolate - I could turn into a homicidal psychotic maniac who has to rescue unwanted puppies and kittens (someone offered me two yesterday)....... (and I've put the chocolate on the bottom shelf of the fridge, so you can't see it because you never look below your waistline........

Anonymous said...

Said in sleazy foreign accent, "So how much you pay for ze chocolate, very fine Terry's Orange- excellent kvality...Ve kom to how you say an 'arrangement- no?"

Shaz said...

yeah, you give me the chocolate, you get to live. Just remember, I know where you sleep!

Anonymous said...

I know where you sleep too - in a big pool of Jemima wee, but that's another story....

Claire said...

I would have eaten it months minutes after it was put on the shelf. Best to do it when no ones home though. Sometimes it takes them weeks to even realise it's not there.

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

Eat the thing.
And enjoy it :)
Perhaps, eat it in front of the Partner...!

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sharon I would let Michael think that it si safe and tehna s soon as his back is turned SCOFF IT QUICKLY!!!!

after all the Giodfatgher does not need the extra calories and you would be looking after his best interests

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all the spelling mistakes the work computer is having hissy fits at the moment.