Monday 26 October 2009

Jenny and John's visit

Jenny and John came to visit for one night in October. They brought with them a gorgeous range of their chilli sauce and jams 'Cop It Sweet'. Michael hasn't yet tried the 9/10 chilli sauce, but I'm sure it won't be long before he does!

It was great to catch up with them again, even though they were suffering the effects of a cold. They weren't alone, Caitlin was coughing up her lungs as well.

Caitlin's cooking

Our friend Jenny Tully ran a cooking class for a few young kids she knew. Caitlin attended and had a ball. She arrived home with four large creme caramels, some large meringues, some yummy biscuits and a number of egg and bacon pies. And they were delicious!

Meanwhile, I attempted the cheesecake brownie recipe that Meegan discovered. It didn't turn out as picturesque as hers did, but none of the nurses/doctors/family members complained about the taste of it!

What happens when Mim takes over the camera

Caitlin in mid sneeze

Me on the 'puter (probably playing Farmtown)

Michael and Caitlin looking at old photos