Monday, 16 March 2009

Braincell does it again

Friday the 13th was supposed to be a quiet day. I'd planned to do some housework (ie ironing) and then Jess had a vet appointment at 2pm for a quick check of her cast. Well, that was how the day was supposed to work.

The sheep jumped into the yard after Michael had left for work. I put Sarah outside on her chain, to prevent Lulu from coming into our back patio/shed thingy. I'd bought a bag of oats on Thursday and some lucerne, and Lulu had decided that she likes oats. Really, really likes oats.

I thought I was smart, I'd shut all the solid doors so Jess couldn't push open the screen doors, as she is wont to do. Not smart enough though. Mim started yelling "Mum, Mum, Jess is outside!" I went inside to discover that Braincell had jumped up on the lounge and pushed out the screen on the window and jumped over 5 feet to the garden bed below - all with a broken leg!!!!! I expected to find a whimpering crushed body below the window, maybe another two or three broken bones, or at least the pinned bone beyond repair.

But no, the Bitch went racing around the outside of the house, through a gap in the fence, up the western paddock, along to the eastern paddock and up to the top paddock. Through wet grass. There was nothing wrong with her leg. It took me five minutes of chasing after her, she'd run so far and then stop and look at me as if to say "ha, ha, you can't catch me". I ended up using trickery, bending down and calling for Morticia (the cat). Braincell couldn't resist, she came loping up and I pounced on her.

The bandage was soaked! And it's not supposed to get wet. So, rang the vet and arranged to take her straight over to be checked out.

Did I mention that it was foggy? As in most of the trip to Casterton was through a white wall, where visibility was only about 30m?

Left Braincell at Casterton and drove home, too exhausted to even think of ironing. Went back a few hours later to get her - no damage at all! The wound was healing well and the vet took out the stitches a day early and put a new bandage over the cast.

What catastrophe is that dog going to be involved in next?????

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