Monday, 23 March 2009

120th Balmoral Show

Saturday was the 120th Balmoral Show. We chose to go to it rather than the Hamilton Hospital Fete or the Lucenedale Field Day.

Caitlin entered two of her photos in the Junior Photography competition. She was very pleased to have won second prize in the Human Portrait division, with her photo of Mim. Seeing some of the other entries and what won first and second prizes in each division, I'm surprised that she actually won something. Not because hers weren't good, they were. But because the judging criteria appears to be solely on whom the judges know, not on the composition of the photos!! I'm not being biased here, but Caitlin's photos were better than the majority of other photos entered. And looking at the other divisions that Caitlin didn't enter, the first/second places were not what I would have chosen!! For starters, a slightly blurred photo of dark water would not have been my choice of winner of the Landscape division! Nor the photo of two ceramic frogs for the Senior Animal Portraits!

But aside from that, we had a good time. The girls had camel rides, horse and cart rides, had their faces painted and watched the "orange dancing" (Irish dancing) as Mim called it.

We spoke with a lady with her very cute Kelpie/Coolie puppy called Thowra, who also had her leg bandaged - a horse had stepped on it. I was able to enlighten the lady that her child had named the puppy after Elaine Mitchells' The Silver Brumby.

Notice the one blue, one brown eye

We decided to call it quits by 1.30pm as it was getting quite warm (34 degrees) and we'd "done" the Show.

Took the back way home and decided to take the kids to the pool in the afternoon. It was lovely sitting in the pool chatting to one of the mums whilst watching some large black clouds sweep around Coleraine. Not a drop hit us. Then the lifeguards heard of a possible thunderstorm heading our way, so everyone had to vacate the pool. There was a lot of dust around because of the winds, and it smelt rather smoky, which put everyone on edge. But nothing came of it.

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