Saturday, 2 June 2007


Michael and Caitlin are out tenpin bowling and I'm home alone with Mim. She was supposed to be sleeping - but Mim is like Michael, she survives on very little sleep. She joined me downstairs whilst I'm catching up on blogs, but then had to run upstairs to the toilet.

A few minutes later I heard "Mummy, Mummy, I done poopoo in the toilet!"

(Hurrah! At last! Usually she waits until she has a cloth nappy on at bedtime and will then fill it, just so we have to change her nappy again.)

She is so proud of herself, we aren't allowed to flush the toilet til Daddy comes home and sees it! (sigh).

Anyway, this is the big girl, who is supposed to be 'sleeping or reading quietly' on the downstairs bed. As you can see, sleep does not seem to be on the agenda.

1 comment:

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

Priceless :)
I hope Mim remembers to look back on all these funny antics when she's got little ones of her own.