Monday 18 June 2007

Frog's Eggs

As some of you know, Mim is addicted to Woggies (Freddo Frogs). Michael bought her a 20pack a few weeks ago, this stash was slowly eroded to leave 2 frogs left. To make room in the fridge, I took the almost empty packet out and put the remaining two in the egg container on the second top shelf in the fridge.

Last week, I was trying to have a rest, so had let Mim watch her Wiggles program on the TV. She kept running around and disturbing me and calling for 'Momez' to play with her, so I gave it up after 45mins. When I entered the kitchen, the first thing I saw was the egg container on the floor!

I marched up to her and demanded "Did you eat a froggie?!"
She grinned back and held up two fingers. "Two woggies!"
"Where are the wrappers?"
She took me down to her bedroom and pulled back the doona to display the empty wrappers. She received another stern lecture about not helping herself to food in the cupboard or fridge, not that the lectures have any effect (see previous posts).

That night I got, "Mummy, mummy, come into my bedroom!" So I traipsed into the bedroom, wondering what magical sight she was going to show me. She pulled open the top drawer of her bedside table to reveal .... three eggs! Luckily unbroken! It seems that when she took the two woggies out of the fridge, she also took the eggs as well, to hide all evidence:)

It can be sooo hard to keep a straight face at times!

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