My father has told me to get back blogging as the old posts were 'getting boring'. So I'm back.
There have been two significant events occur in my life in the last 6 weeks.
1. I got a new job!!!!!
2. I became an aunty (again)!!!!
I was not happy with working at the hospital. Whilst the hours were suitable for looking after Jemima, I didn't like the bullying behaviours of one of my colleagues. And she was not going to change. Staff had put up with her behaviours for the past decade, so the likelihood of anything changing was minimal. So I started applying for other jobs.
Late in November, I had an interview with a local company for a 'Assistant Records Clerk'. And I got it! It is a full time position at
Vickery Bros, a company that supplies and spreads fertiliser. Despite being a 'local' company, they service a large portion of southwest Victoria and into South Australia. It is a great place to work, really friendly and laid back. I'm really enjoying myself.
On 6 December, Michelle gave birth to a beautiful little red head, whom they have named Olivia Kate. Little Livvy already knows the importance of being dramatic (the genes inherited from her grandmother, Dame Mary) and stubborn (Michelle swears that she did not pass on this gene). She insists that meal times are whenever she wants, and naps whenever she chooses. Just like a baby:)
One of the drawbacks of getting this full time job is that I can't visit Livvy over Christmas, like I had planned. I'm still trying to work out when I can get up to Sydney to spoil her rotten.