The girls got to ride on Dorothy's teacup ride, the Big Red Car ride, play on the SS Feathersword, and then score some tables under umbrellas to have some lunch.
After Meegan and Owen joined us, we checked out Nick Central and went on some more rides. At one stage, Mim and Owen were holding hands so nicely (ahhh) instead of trying to knock each other over. (Check out the evil face on the Carousel!)
After this, it was on to the Ice cream Parlour for a Kenny Koala sundae ... shock, horror, they don't do KK Sundaes anymore!! So we had to settle for a "Guilty Secrets Sundae" - three scoops of icecream, topping, nuts or sprinkles, cherries and Kit Kat sticks. Wish I'd gotten a photo of the kids post icecream!
Meegan and Carla called it a day shortly after but I decided to stay on with Mim and make the most of our day. We rode the train over to the Farmyard Friends and fed the animals. Then we walked around the Wildlife Experience and patted some kangaroos, saw a Tassie Devil, some nocturnal creatures like owls and sugargliders, and some koalas. We then walked around to the River Rapids and went on the ride. Mim was very good on this ride, although she was holding my hand very tightly going through the tunnels. We only got a little bit wet. We would have gone on the log ride as well, but the line up was too long.
So we meandered over to Tiger Island and caught the last of a show. The handlers had the tigers jumping into the air for bits of meat. Aparently they can jump up to 6m! It was an impressive sight, as was the sight of a tiger climbing a "tree" to get to the meat. Moral of this story - if a tiger is chasing you, don't bother climbing a tree!
Afterwards, we caught the tiger cubs being taken back to their nursery, so Mim got to stroke one briefly. Then we headed for the car. Mim was asleep within 5 minutes - it was a very big day for her!