Tuesday 14 April 2009


I spent most of the "relaxing" Easter long weekend doing some "light gardening".

Michael had purchased a new attachment for his weedwhacker. It is called the 'OMG I've just decapitated the cat' metal blade that replaces the string. And it does an excellent job on the waist high dead grass in the paddocks.

Michael slashed one corridor, prior to setting up the picnic table. I spent the next few days slashing the rest of that section. It looks great. I can look out from the kitchen window and actually see the sheep up there now!

(Day 1 of slashing)

Lulu kept following me around. Somewhere in her pea-sized brain, she seemed to think that the loud machine I was operating must somehow be food related. Didn't occur to her once that I could make instant lamb shanks from her if she wandered too close!

And after all that hard work, I decided to treat myself. Late in the afternoon, I took up my bottle of wine, an Easter egg, and a book. Proceeded to drink, eat and read for about an hour (joined by Mim within 15minutes of course, she could see me now that the grass cover had been destroyed). Bugger about the view, huh!


The stalker approacheth

The stalker playeth

the stalker take good photoeth

The local hawks are enjoying my efforts as well, they've taken to perching in the nearby trees to watch the cat stalk the multitude of now uncovered field mice.

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