Wednesday 1 April 2009

A Big Girl Dinner for Mim

Last Saturday night, Caitlin volunteered to help serve at the Presentation Ball. Why they bother calling it "Presentation" ball I don't know, it's a bloody Debutante ball! The girls are 'expected' to wear big white dresses (or marriage dresses, as Mim calls them). It's held in Year 11, so it doesn't interfere with VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) in Yr 12 - however do the Qlders cope with their Yr 12 Formal.

Annnyyyyway, because she was helping out, Michael, Mim and I decided to eat out in Hamilton. Mim's first choice of restaurant was vetoed (no McCrappy burgers tonight!). We decided to try The Strand, where the wonderful billboard was displayed on Friday.

And we made it a good meal.

For starters, we had bread (a crusty soda bread) with oil, olive tapenade and sheep milk fetta.
Mim had snapper and roast potatoes for her main, Michael and I chose entrees as well as mains (him - quail, me- rabbit in a creamy red onion sauce on gnocchi). Mains were a big lump of steak for him and backstrap of lamb for me. And then we even had dessert - creme brulee for him and chocolate panacotta for me (well the few bites I got, I was sharing with Mim). I was so full at the end, but it'd been a long while since I'd actually eaten somewhere (besides home) that used linen napkins! Mim enjoyed herself, being the only child and having a waitress give her a menu and ask her what she would like.

Picked up Caitlin at 10pm, as was requested, only to find that the Presentation part of the night had just finished and they were about to serve supper. Caitlin was quite peeved that the only thing she'd done all night was serve 5 drinks. Only 5!!!

Next year, she can arrange to stay later.

1 comment:

KT said...

It was shitty.

The dances were too long (10 - 20mins ea). I only got to serve 5 drinks!!!
