Monday, 13 October 2008

The Chook Whisperer ... back in action

I went to have a sleep this afternoon, got almost none last night due to illness. Mim was under strict instructions to play in her room or watch TV.

Woke up an hour later, feeling somewhat better. Heard the TV going, thought "what a good girl!"

Walked into the lounge room, she was sitting in her booster seat, on the top of the couch........ cuddling a poor chook!!!!

Said chook was quickly taken back outside to be with her cowering mates, said child got lecture on not bringing birds inside and how stress can kill a chook.

Father not going to be happy with her when he reads this.


Anonymous said...

She wasn't trying to eat the chook was she?

Shaz said...

no, she hasn't worked out how to use the deep fryer yet, give her time.