Saturday, 18 October 2008

Glorious Day of Sunshine

Today was supposed to be a gardening and outdoor day. It was gloriously warm (34 degrees according to my car's thermometer) and sunny. Bit so far, we haven't done any outdoor work.

First, Caitlin had sign on for tennis season. They hold matches each Saturday morning between 9-10.30 for the next few months and Caitlin expressed an interest in participating (and who are we to say no to that). Whilst she was having a hit on the courts with some of the other kids, I got some star pickets and seedlings from the local shops. She said she'd call me when she was ready to be collected so I went home until she rang an hour later.

After picking her up, we drove down a side street that links to the main road..... when I pointed out to Caitlin the echidna wandering up a driveway and then along the building. I stopped and walked over to it, taking photos of it with my mobile phone (crap photos), but it happily ignored me standing less than 50cm away and went on with its business.

Then our new kitchen table was delivered. It's an extension table, seating up to 8 people (though realistically we could squeeze 10 around it). As Des and Ack (Allan) were setting it up, they told us about a nearby property they'd been to last weekend which had gazillions of snakes around. This has me a bit worried and the girls have been given instructions not to go into the paddock without sensible closed shoes (preferably gumboots) and Caitlin needs to keep a good eye on Gomez at all times.

By the time the new table was installed, it was time for lunch and really too hot to get out into the garden. So I read my book for a while and snoozed until an hour ago, when Michael asked me to drop him down the pub to watch the Caulfield Cup. He's going to place a bet on it.

It's still hot outside, with a northern wind coming from the desert, but inside is lovely and cool. The joys of no humidity!! I might wait another half an hour until 5 pm and then start planting the seedlings. Michael is going to do some more weedwhacking and mowing tomorrow, when temperature is only supposed to be 19 degrees. And then back to 15 degrees during the week.

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