Sunday 14 February 2010

It's a small world!

Jemima had a student teacher on Friday, Miss Rachael. She helped out in the classroom, but more especially, she was able to take a group when they went swimming.

I arrived at the pool at 2.20 ready to collect Mim and Mac. They were still swimming, playing with Mrs Taylor whilst Miss Rachael took a group of the less capable swimmers. They were in the pool for an extra ten minutes, during which time Michael arrived, home from the Yr 12 retreat that he'd been on. Mim was very excited to see him.

Whilst she and Mac were getting changed, the Prep teacher, Mrs Waldron, introduced us to Miss Rachael. Rachael just stared up at Michael and said, "You taught me!" Appears that she was a Casterton Secondary College student six years ago!! As I always maintain, you can't take him anywhere without him meeting/knowing someone.

Mrs Waldron told us Mim was a wonderful student, though they sometimes 'lost' her in the other Preppies as she was always the quiet one and the others were always talking, lol! She makes up for it at home though, certainly makes her presence felt.

1 comment:

The Disciplined Nonconformist said...

Anonymous - what planet are you on? Have you read the text upon which you are commenting - there is nothing that warrants your condescending diatribe about history/mystery/present - it sounds like pop psychology. Either say something relevant to the text or at least own your comments and shed 'anonymous' as your epithet such that you are not telling people what to do from a hidden position.