Saturday, 27 June 2009

I have a new fence!

At last, we have a new house yard fence.

Dean came around on Wednesday and started. It only took him three days to complete it. It is larger than the old house yard and includes a few gates to get vehicles through.

Mim lurves Dean's tractor and wants to get her own, a fast pink tractor that she can use to chase the sheep.

Mim spent as much time as possible stalking Dean, chatting to him and Swoop (Donnie, Stewie's brother) and carrying their tools for them. Luckily Dean has a two year old daughter (and newborn son) at home, so he's used to idol worship.

It was completed (minus the front gates, they'll be ready in about a week) by Friday afternoon. We let the dogs loose and they went beserk, racing around the yard having a great time.

I let them loose this morning and watched them race off into the fog. They completed two laps of the house and then disappeared. A few minutes later I heard the barking of Jess rounding up sheep - they'd found a weak spot. I managed to retreive them and stop up the gap, but they got out again in another section. I'll have to go around and do some serious stop gapping in the near future. But it's an excellent start!

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