Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Only in the Spec

Last week, the local newspaper The Spectator, reported that Monivae teachers, having to attend the Sunday Cadet Graduation ceremony and Mass, would get a "day off in loo". Gives you the shits how crappy the spelling is from the local reporters. I bet the editor was really pissed off. Most of the teachers wet themselves laughing, closeted in their staffroom. I bet their cheeks were flushed. (I could probably do a few more toilet puns, but think I'd better stop now).

Advertised in Saturday's Spec was a 50cc scooter. Either $1500 or would trade for a ride on mower!! (You don't see that in Brisbane!)

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Monday, 27 October 2008

More photos of Sarah

Mim is convinced that Sarah and Gomez are "falling in love". (Gotta stop letting her watch the Disney films!)

The Pitter Patter of Little Feet

We have a new addition to the family. Introducing Sarah:

We'd promised Mim that she could have a "working" dog one day. I found some Kelpie /Blue Heeler cross puppies in the local paper so I arranged to go down to meet the lady and view the puppies.

Mim and I went on another "road trip" to Condah, as we were meeting her at the Condah Pub. Mim had no idea what the purpose of the trip was. Michael told me to beware of kangaroos on that road, as it was getting late. Didn't see any roos, but did see two deer bounding across the road ahead of us. And two ex-foxes slung over a fence near Tahara.

We met Naomi and her 8yo daughter at the pub and Floss, the red Kelpie mother. Naomi had the two remaining female pups (8 weeks) with her for us to look at, as well as her daughter's black Lab puppy. Floss is a good working dog and very good with children, as evidenced by her tolerance towards Mim constantly patting her. Mim was very excited when we chose a puppy and decided that her name had to be Sarah.

Michael had been very strict in laying down the groundrules. "It is an outside dog, it can sleep in the laundry whilst it's young, but we'll build it a kennel and dog run. If it chews my boots, I get to deal with it. If it kills a chook, it goes." Guess who was found in the kitchen at 3am this morning, wrapped up asleep in a sleeping bag, snoring his head off? "The puppy was whimpering" was his excuse. Let's face it, he's just a big softie!!

Mim is beside herself with joy. First thing this morning as soon as she opened her eyes she asked if Sarah was still with us. She then ran into the kitchen calling "Sarah, Sarah!" She got to hold the puppy all the way into Hamilton to drop off Michael and Caitlin, and the puppy went to sleep on her on the way back.

Gomez is not sure of the new thing. He wants to play with her but doesn't want her to play with him (sounds strange, but if you watch them interact it's how it looks). Morticia is just horrified! And the chooks, well, they don't give a shit... as long as I keep feeding them.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Happy Now.

I bought a spinning wheel on ebay! It's something I've wanted for 10 years now, so I finally got one. Had to pick it up from Stawell on Friday (about a 2hr drive).

So Mim and I went on a road trip.

View Larger Map

The drive past the Grampians was beautiful. I gave Mim the camera for her to take some photos of the view, as I had to keep my eyes on the road. She took some interesting pictures:

We stopped off at Halls Gap on the way up, so Mim could use the restroom facilities.

The lady at Stawell kindly gave me a quick lesson on spinning, and gave me a large garbage bag with three different kinds of fleece to spin. As she was self taught, she recommended that I get someone else to give me a few tips as well.

Mim and I loaded up the car and drove back, stopping in Halls Gap again so she could have a little play on the playground.

We cut through the mountains before reaching Dunkeld (and wasn't that an interesting drive - a narrow winding road through the mountain, with no phone reception if you should happen to break down or have an accident), and drove home the back roads, via Cavendish.

So here's my new hobby, when the Ethel and Lulu and Cecily are shorn now, I can hopefully spin enough wool that Margaret can knit a scarf for Mim (because I'm still terrible at knitting!)

(I'm still looking for a butter churn on ebay!)

Ftiness Regime

I have started up a fitness regime to get in shape for summer.

On Wednesdays, whilst Mim is enjoying Kindy, I'm doing a "Fitball" class. It's a exercise class done mostly on or around a gymball, concentrating on strengthening core muscles and is far more enjoyable than doing any aerobic class.

On Thursdays, I've started doing a bellydance class. Mim gets to come with me, our first class was last Thursday. The instructor has told Mim she is welcome to join in whenever she likes..., and she likes! There are about 5 of us so far, and the other ladies enjoy watching Mim try to shake her booty or do snake arms. The instructor and one of the participants also work up at the hospital, so we've been having jokes about practising moves whilst taking patients blood pressures.

After our class, Mim and I went to the Botanical Gardens to waste some hours before it was time to meet Michael. She had fun playing on the playground, seeing the emu and peacock and the rabbits.

Not Happy Jan!

Last weekend I spent considerable time and effort finalising the veggie patch. I hammered in the star pickets, fenced it with chicken wire to stop Morticia using it as her dumping ground, planted tomatoes, capsicum, cucumbers and beans, mulched them and watered them.

And then, on Wednesday morning, we had a frost! Late October and we had a frost!!

My lovingly tended seedlings are all DEAD! I'm going to have to start all over again!

Mim's drawing

Mim did a beautiful drawing of herself and Caitlin, walking down to the creek.

Can't wait to see her drawings of the chooks!

Owen's Baby Bro

Congratulations Meegan and Marc!

I emailed Meegan on Monday morning to see how she was. She emailed back at 12.49pm saying all was fine and, I quote, "Starting to get a few period-like cramps today, but nothing to write home about... "

We get an email later to say Reuben arrived at 5.25pm.

Nothing happening, my ass, Meegs!! That was one quick labour.

Mim is very pleased that Owen has a little brother.

Hopefully, we will hear the patter of little feet in our family soon, stay tuned for more details (no Mum, I'm not pregnant!)

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

I'm getting DumpsBoots!

I'd just come out of the shower and about to iron some clothes for work. Mim looked at me and said "Looks like you're getting DumpsBoots".

"What? What are DumpsBoots?" I asked, totally bewildered.

"DumpsBoots!! You know, when you get cold and your skin goes all dumpsbootsie!"

"Oh, Goosebumps!"

She's just a sweet transvestite..... doin' the Time Wart

Michael bought himself a Rocky Horror DVD and played some of it on the weekend. Since then, Mim has been bugging me to play the songs again.

So this morning I put it on and she watched the Time Warp and Sweet Transvestite three or four times.

She can now jump to the left and step to the ri..ii...iiight. Put her hands on her hips, and bring her knees in ti..ii..iiight. She does the pelvic thrust (which gives me the giggles rather than sending me insane). And she was mincing around the room like Tim Curry being a sweet transvestite.

This child isn't time warped.... she's just plain warped!! Will have to get a video of it.

New Fashions on the Field

On Saturday, Hamilton held its Race Day, to coincide with the Caulfield Cup.

As one lovely young lady was about to be announced as winner of the Fashions on the Field, she was bitten on the ankle by a tiger snake. On the racecourse.

Her knight in shining armour stripped off his shirt to bandage it around the wound and she was rushed to the hospital, where she was treated and released later.

Guess the new Fashions on the Field will be combat boots or gumboots from now on.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Glorious Day of Sunshine

Today was supposed to be a gardening and outdoor day. It was gloriously warm (34 degrees according to my car's thermometer) and sunny. Bit so far, we haven't done any outdoor work.

First, Caitlin had sign on for tennis season. They hold matches each Saturday morning between 9-10.30 for the next few months and Caitlin expressed an interest in participating (and who are we to say no to that). Whilst she was having a hit on the courts with some of the other kids, I got some star pickets and seedlings from the local shops. She said she'd call me when she was ready to be collected so I went home until she rang an hour later.

After picking her up, we drove down a side street that links to the main road..... when I pointed out to Caitlin the echidna wandering up a driveway and then along the building. I stopped and walked over to it, taking photos of it with my mobile phone (crap photos), but it happily ignored me standing less than 50cm away and went on with its business.

Then our new kitchen table was delivered. It's an extension table, seating up to 8 people (though realistically we could squeeze 10 around it). As Des and Ack (Allan) were setting it up, they told us about a nearby property they'd been to last weekend which had gazillions of snakes around. This has me a bit worried and the girls have been given instructions not to go into the paddock without sensible closed shoes (preferably gumboots) and Caitlin needs to keep a good eye on Gomez at all times.

By the time the new table was installed, it was time for lunch and really too hot to get out into the garden. So I read my book for a while and snoozed until an hour ago, when Michael asked me to drop him down the pub to watch the Caulfield Cup. He's going to place a bet on it.

It's still hot outside, with a northern wind coming from the desert, but inside is lovely and cool. The joys of no humidity!! I might wait another half an hour until 5 pm and then start planting the seedlings. Michael is going to do some more weedwhacking and mowing tomorrow, when temperature is only supposed to be 19 degrees. And then back to 15 degrees during the week.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Congratulations Caitlin

The results of Caitlin's NAPLAN (national assessment program - literacy and numeracy) were posted to us this week.

She ranked very well in all areas. She ranked well above the national average and 'range of achievement for the middle 60% of Yr 7 students' in the areas of Writing, Reading, Grammar and Punctuation; and at the top end of the 'middle 60%' for Numeracy and Spelling. Can't blame her on the spelling though.... they couldn't even get her middle name right (Georgia instead of Georgina).

(the black dot is her ranking, the little triangle is the national average and the light blue section is the middle 60%)

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Still Sick

Called in sick to work on Monday night, felt like my head was going to explode. Mum pointed out that it could be infected sinuses ..... I'd never had them before so had no idea about them.

Took myself off to the vet yesterday, mentioned infected sinuses, he took a quick look in my ears and mouth, felt my face and prescribed a course of antibiotics, recommended using the steam inhalation and nasal spray, as well as painkillers (panadol). I have until Thursday off work.

I've been using all of these remedies for the past 24 hrs and have had some relief. I feel like a druggie though, I'm more included to drink water and lie in a dark room to get rid of a headache, than to pop a panadol..... and here I am having Advil religiously.

Still not 100% though, more like 60%, but back down to 40% overnight.

I HATE being sick!

Monday, 13 October 2008

The Chook Whisperer ... back in action

I went to have a sleep this afternoon, got almost none last night due to illness. Mim was under strict instructions to play in her room or watch TV.

Woke up an hour later, feeling somewhat better. Heard the TV going, thought "what a good girl!"

Walked into the lounge room, she was sitting in her booster seat, on the top of the couch........ cuddling a poor chook!!!!

Said chook was quickly taken back outside to be with her cowering mates, said child got lecture on not bringing birds inside and how stress can kill a chook.

Father not going to be happy with her when he reads this.

Splitting in two

We were watching Dancing with the Stars last night, one of the contestants did the splits.

Mim: When I try to do the splits, my whizzer says 'oh no, I'm breaking'. It hurts my legs.


Sunday is a day of rest

well, that's what it's supposed to be.

I'd arranged to pick up some pullets on Sunday morning, not that I got a good night's sleep thanks to this cold. So with the girls still sleeping, I drove the hour trip to Penshurst and collected 5 of the 9week old pullets.
And then drove the hour back. Still feeling like crap.

Wanting desperately to insert needles into my gums to stop my jaw from aching (not sure why I think this would alleviate the pain, but I was convinced it would).

Caitlin and Mim were very excited to have chooks again. Michael did some handywork on the chook pen, reconnecting the fence and trimming the nearby tree. I managed to hang around and look (almost) decorative.

The chooks were released into their new home and I went inside to down a couple of litres of water and almost pass out on the couch.

The girls took some afternoon tea and went down to the creek to splash around - did I mention that it was hot? Like 29 degree hot!

That afternoon, I managed to sit up and do about 5 minutes of vague housework before passing out on the couch again.

I also had to monitor Mim's access to the chook pen... "I am the chook whisperer, I get to pick up the chooks" was her rationale after the third time of finding her in there.

So we have chooks again, although won't be getting eggs until closer to Christmas. Hopefully Gomez will be used to them by then and will stop whining and racing around the perimeter of their yard!

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Our Eventful Day Trip

Yesterday we decided to drive to Warrnambool, as I'd never been there before. We wanted to get some stools for the kitchen island bench, and Id seen some likely ones in a catalogue. By the time we fed Jemima, dressed her and loaded her and Caitlin into the Pug it was 10am. And we were off. Did I mention that I was also stuffed up with a cold and hacking up half a lung each time I coughed (Caitlin has decided to share this with Mim and I).

We drove there via Condah, on some of the non-highway roads, and would have passed less than 10 cars on the whole almost-two-hour trip. Lovely golden fields of canola, cows and sheep grazing on green pasture, dog and cat with a death wish.....

Warrnambool was a shock to the system after Hamilton and Coleraine. They have traffic lights! Lots of them! And four lane Princes Highway (although half of that is actually called Raglan Pde, so it was difficult trying to find an address on Raglan Pde!). We stopped off at two shopping centres, went into a Kmart and Caitlin and Jemima became very excited to see a Hungry Jacks and Red Rooter.

So, with the purchase of my gym ball, some clothes for Caitlin, two stools and a fold up card table, we decided it was lunch time. It was a toss up between some bar/bistro and Subway. We chose Subway.

Michael was served by a young(ish) girl and the conversation soon got around to Casterton. As it transpires, Michael taught her in 2003 in Casterton, and she was now studying primary teaching! Can't take him ANYWHERE!!!

Lunch over, we went to Rays Outdoors and found me a Japara (raincoat type thing), as the girls' Japaras are very effective. Then we hit Bunnings and got some chicken wire to fence off the vegie patch, to stop Morticia using it as her own personal dumping ground. The firemen were having a display and jumping castle outside so I took Mim to look whilst Michael was paying for the wire. She ended up having her photo taken at the display.

Then it was out of Warrnambool, up to Grassmere (10 mins away) to discover the huge George Taylor shop Disposals store closed at midday, then across to Mailors Flats to have a look at the Antiques and Demolition barn. Would love to wander around that a bit more. There were some really nice antiques/collectibles and then there were the 'WTF's. For instance, the dressing table with drawers around the mirror, all covered in a red plush velvet (ewww) and the Jemima size statue of Jesus (freaky). Michael is sure the dressing table was much beloved of the brothel it came from.

I was seriously flagging by this stage, it was almost 5pm and I just wanted to shove two tampons up my nose to stop the snotflow and take some drugs to pass out, but I agreed to driving home past Port Fairy, as I'd never been there before either. We stopped off at a cafe and had a Timboon ice-cream (rather delicious) and saw the wind turbines (they have a dedicated viewing area off the road - like you can miss them anyway!!!)

From Port Fariy we headed up to Bessiebelle. It was a one lane bitumen road with dirt sides. Not a car in sight.... until we came to an overgrown "Reduce Speed" sign, and suddenly there was a car trying to come out of a driveway and another car coming in the other direction!

When we hit Bessiebelle (all two houses?), we turned left towards Heywood. And disaster struck.

The engine started making a funny noise, Michael exclaimed "Oh, shit!" and we pulled over on the 30cm bank of the road. Turns out the band that operates the aircon, the alternator and the power steering had frayed. Michael managed to cut off the frayed pieces and tried turning over the ignition. Nothing. Seems the alternator has not been charging the battery.

So we called RACV and Michael was able to let them know exactly where we were (between Pullits Rd and Bishops Rd, ironic huh) and we sat down to wait for the 50 mins. Three paddocks worth of cows came to check out what was happening. I have decided that cows are stupid and flighty creatures, sharing two braincells between a whole herd. Sheep are more intelligent, they are conniving buggers.

Of the approx. 12 cars/trucks that drove past, only two stopped to see if we needed help. One of the fellas lived just down the road, he and Michael chatted for a while, and Caitlin and Mim went into ecstacies over the working dogs on the back of the ute.

Our hero, Gavin, arrived just before the 50minute mark. It was now 7.15pm and the sun was starting to sink. He went past us, did a U-turn and then pulled in front of us with the car trailer. After a look-see, he then decided to try jump starting the battery, so his landrover and trailer went up the road and did another U-turn. The engine would not kick over, and there was a funny knocking/ticking sound, so good old Gavin did yet another U-turn and backed the trailer up again. I'm seriously impressed with his ability - the road was narrow with not much bank.

So, with thePug on the trailer behind us, we all piled into Gavin's landcruiser and headed to Heywood. There we changed cars and lovely George, 60+, partially deaf and the ability to outtalk Michael drove us the 40mins to home in his little red Datsun. He did not stop talking the whole way home, not when we almost drove over the kangaroo, not when we did drive over the rabbit (bunny-bowling). Gavin will drive the Pug into Hamilton on Monday morning for the mechanics there to fix it.

We arrived home at 10pm, with Gomez leaving bursting bladder trails to the back door in his haste to relieve himself. Mim (who'd fallen asleep in George's car) was feed a bowl of cereal for dinner and put into bed. Michael managed to concoct a dinner out of nothing (we hadn't done our shopping yet) within 20 minutes, and then Caitlin and I zombie walked to bed.

I could not fault the service we got from RACV, with Gavin and George driving us the one hour and twenty minute trip to our front door, and the car to Hamilton. It's not like we could catch public transport or a cab home!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008


Bookcase finished - check

Veggie Patch started - check

Beans Sprouting - check

Rose Bushes 'pruned' into almost oblivion by sheep bouncing back - check

Flowers everywhere, proving that despite the current friggin' cold weather, it's actually spring - check

yep, things are going well down here!

Can Rabbits Fart?

Or bats?

If anybody knows the answer to these life changing questions, please let Jemima know.

Oh, and Carla, she wants to know if you fart? I told her to ask you herself :)

Friday, 3 October 2008

DGing this week

I'm feeling quite virtuous this week. It's been a very Domestic God/Goddess week so far. I've done a bit of cleaning (not quite the spring clean yet), some cooking, Michael's spent one whole day ironing, we've done some work in the garden and the girls have painted the chook shed.

Most of the ironing Michael did was Caitlin's clothing. She has a habit of wearing something for a few hours, and then ditching it on the floor of her room. Then, in a few days time, it appears in the washing basket. She's been told to hang things up after taking them off (if they really don't need washing), else we will have to institute the "Diane" method of children's clothing - one in the wash, one on the child, one spare.

I made a big pot of bolognaise sauce on Tuesday morning, it simmered on the stove for a few hours. We had pasta and some of the sauce for dinner that night. I made sausage rolls for lunch, and froze the leftover ones. Michael spent a lot of the day playing with his new toy, a weedwhacker (brushcutter). He has weedwhacked the house yard and front 'paddock', seeing as the grass was knee high in places!

(note the Kenny overalls!)

Wednesday, I made a vindaloo and a korma from scratch in the morning, so Michael only needed to heat them up. The vindaloo was a bit disappointing, it had nowhere near the kick it should, even Mim could have eaten it. Oh, well, double the chillies next time.

Michael spent his afternoon marking out the template for my bookshelf and then building it. It had to be built in the computer room as it is too large to get through the doors. It looks great! I now need to stain it so he can then attach it to the wall.

Yesterday, I made lasagne sheets from scratch (flour, eggs, salt). Then made up a lasagne using the leftover spaghetti sauce. OMG - it was divine!

Today, I'm taking a break from the kitchen (Friday night is pub night) and doing some housework. I'll also have to get some stain for the bookshelf. Caitlin is off horse riding with Ebony (her friend, not a horse), so will see if she blogs that adventure.