Sunday, 21 September 2008

Picnic at Tumbling Rock

The girls and I decided to walk to the creek yesterday and take a snack to have. We followed the dirt track with Mim chatting all the way. Caitlin got the shits and wandered ahead because I'd mentioned that it was snake season soon so keep an eye on the dog when he's outside. She started muttering about how there were no snakes in Brisbane so why did we have to move down here (more chance of dog being hit by car in Brissy, then dog being bitten by snake in Viccy). I told her to cut the crap out and she strode off in a huff.

Meanwhile, Mim just kept chattering on. We commented on the cows in the paddock, how they were looking at us and then running a few feet away and stopping and looking at us again. We talked about how cows pee out of their bottoms, and it looked like a shower. She then asked when she would be a baby size again (never) and if we had bought her at a baby shop. I explained a bit about the birds and the bees, ie that she started as a twinkle in Daddy's eye, then grew in my tummy and then was born and became a baby. She seemed content with that explanation (until next she's in a public forum and decides to ask some embarassing questions).

Anyway, we get to the creek and manage to walk across some of the rocks to the other side. We then took off shoes and socks and rolled up the trousers. Did I mention that it was blowing a gale and quite cool? Caitlin dipped her toe into the water and said, "it's warm!" (yeah right). then she stepped into it, and said "my toes are going numb!" (that's more like it).

We carefully walked across, it was only ankle deep but lots of stones on the bottom made for slow going. Got to the other side and sat on a rock waiting for my feet to dry. Mim had a great time pottering around in the water.

A ute came along ready to cross. I got up and grabbed Mim and moved her out of the way. Caitlin was still sitting on the track gabbing away, oblivious to the ute, until I pointed out to her that she was about to be run over. I've never seen her move so fast! The ute driver was laughing as well.

Mim and Caitlin started having a mock argument over something (goodness knows what!), when Mim just turned around and said "Stop talking cwap Caitlin!). We got the giggles after that.

Today, we took Michael and Gomez for a trip to the creek. It was cold, windy, overcast and the girls still had a great time wading. Michael donned his gumboots so he could wade with them, and drop Gomez in the water, and throw rocks near Caitlin to wet her.

I can see us coming down here quite often in summer!

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