Monday, 8 September 2008

Oh, Crap

A few months ago, Carla blogged with pride how Charlotte had memorised a book and could "read" it with her.

I am now able to blog that my daughter, also, can do the same.

Despite having Mem Fox, Little Golden Books and other worthwhile literature lining her bookshelf, the book that my daughter has chosen worthy of memorisation and recitation is called "Everyone Poops"!

I shit you not!

This book was bought for Mim a few months ago when we were starting to dispair of her ever growing out of the double handling defecation stage (crapping in her pants).

The graphics in this book, whilst not photo quality (thank God), are pretty descriptive. It has giraffes pooping, hippopotamuses pooping, camels pooping and little boys pooping. Mim, with a smirk, pointed at the little boy and said "That's a boy. I know, because he has an udder!"

PS. Apparently this book appeared on Kenny's World the other night, so maybe it is a worthwhile piece of shi... literature.

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