Sunday, 17 August 2008

Two weeks and photos

A lot has happened over the last two weeks. I'm mentally exhausted at the moment (too much watching Olympics) so sorry is this post is a bit disjointed.

Two weeks ago, I applied for and had an interview for a position at the Allied Health centre attached to the hospital. I was unsuccessful. So I applied for a Ward Clerk position and had an interview on Thursday afternoon. Got a call on Friday to say the job was mine! This means I won't have to drive an hour to work five days a fortnight. This position is 5 days a week but it's 4pm to 7pm, which means Jemima won't have to go to daycare regularly (yippeee!) and hopefully she'll get over this persistant ongoing cold! She'll also be able to go to Kindy again, and she's very excited about that.

Mim's had a bit of a gastro bug as well as her cold, so I've had to deal with a lot of shit lately .... literally!

For the next two weeks, I'll be working full time. Finishing off my 5 day fortnight at the medical clinic, and the days that I'm not there, I'll be training up at the hospital. Hopefully after that, I'll be on the afternoon shift, but I don't expect to have time to blog or do anything in the next two weeks.

The other day, the girls practiced their riding. Mim is getting better with pedalling but still tends to look down, and I think she has practiced her back pedalling/braking more than enough!
Pedalling up the service road.

On Friday, the clever lads laying the Casterton to Coleraine waterpipeline decided to dig deep. They managed to carefully evade the dead telephone cable for 2 kms, but cut straight through the live one. This meant that we were without phone and internet for most of Friday. Clever boys! Luckily it was on again by late afternoon, which meant I could email my resignation through to Head Office.

Just over a week ago, Carla decided to scare the bejesus out of everyone (including herself, no doubt) and had a heart attack. Luckily she has come through it relatively unscathed. I'll leave her to blog all about it, during her (hopefully) long recuperation.

Caitlin has decided she wants to enter one of her photos in the local Art Show. This means we'll have to get cracking and print it out and mount it and think of a title for it. She spent some time with Mim this morning trying to get some more lovely shots, but unfortunately didn't notice the water droplet on the lens, which meant most of the pictures were 'contaminated'. These were some of her shots, which would have been lovely if not for the water and the blades of grass:

Are these jonquils or daffodils? Anybody know? They are popping up everywhere in our garden. They smell heavenly though, whatever they are.

Took this shot today. Remind you of anybody, Mum????

Morticia never looks happy, does she? She always looks like one pissed off pussy!

I reckon that in about two weeks time, this tree is going to look amazing. Some of the pink buds are already coming out. Will try to blog another piccie when it's in full bloom.


Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...

Yay for the new job Shaz!

And as always, lovely photos. Can't wait to see things in full bloom from your garden this Spring.

Shaz said...

The flowers are jonquils. Took some into work, boy they are really scented, especially in a small room; and one of the patients identified them.