Saturday, 23 August 2008

New Job

I started my new job this week, even though I'm still finishing up the old job.

Wednesday was orientation day, probably the best orientation that I'd been to. We got to finish off the day in the freezing cold wind, playing with fire extinguishers and hoses and putting out fires light by the arsonic HR person.

Thursday I started training on the ward. Started at 7.30am, by 10.30 I was wondering if I'd made a big mistake in taking on this job - so many things to learn and names of people. But by the end, even though my brain was in information overload, I was happy to be working there. The lady I'm replacing (well, it takes two of us to replace her) has been there for over 30 years and she knows so much stuff that is not written down.

A lot of the job involves walking around the ward, checking supplies, collecting medical histories, filing, dropping off pathology and radiology requests. Viv ( the one I'm replacing) walks like a marathon walker. I could barely keep up... and my balls are sooooo sore! I know why nurses and other medical staff wear flat shoes now!

Everybody is very friendly and it seems like a fun place to work. I'm doing two more full days of training next week, and then I'm on the 4-7pm time slot. Woohooo!

Meanwhile, I've got two more full days at Penshurst before I've finished there for good. I'll miss the beautiful people of Penshurst, both the patients and the staff at the hospital, but I'll be glad not to be travelling all that way!

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