Saturday, 24 May 2008

Button on a Brillo Pad

For those of you that have husbands or boyfriends, you will understand this title!
For those of you that don't, or haven't had previously, or are very young, stop reading now.

When Margaret was down here, Michael described the weather as being cold enough to have a "button on a brillo pad" (He insists that his is a large trench coat button not a small baby jacket button.) Button on a brillo pad is colder than monkey or spanner weather, Michael advises. (Cold enough to freeze the nuts of a brass monkey, followed by cold enough to need a spanner to replace the nuts on a brass monkey). And it has been cold, we had the fire running continuously for a few days!

Now if you are picturing this and shuddering..... good! If I have to be mentally disturbed by this visual image, so do you!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Ha. I know I shouldn't say this but I love it when it's cold enough for a fire. You lucky thing! A fire in a beautiful place like yours. Heaven!