Thursday, 8 November 2007

Moving Target

Before we went away to the coast, I had to purchase a new swim suit, so we headed down to Target one night. Mim kept running between Caitlin (who was checking out the kids bras) and myself at the tog section. I told her to stay with me, or she would get lost/'misappear' like last time (see earlier blog). But of course, she didn't listen.

After two minutes of not seeing her, I located C and asked where her sister was. "Dunno" was the response. Off I wandered, calling her name.

I then heard crying from the next section "I can't find my mummy" was the distressed call. Rounding the corner, I saw her in a Target employee's arms who was trying valiantly to comfort her. I called out again and the girl brought Mim over.

"See what happens if you don't do as you are told! You 'misappeared'!"

"But Mummy, I was trying to find something bootiful for you."

(bloody hell, the child can justify anything!)

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