Thursday, 22 November 2007

More Mimmerisms

Michael saw a job in Balmoral, Victoria that he is considering applying for. Asked Mim one morning "Would you like to go in live in country Victoria, and have horses and cows and your very own baa baa lamb?"
"No", she said "I want to stay with you guys!"

Margaret was trying to get ready to pick Caitlin up from school. Mim decided that she wanted her doll pram which was stuck behind some other toys.
Margaret "Jemima, go to the toilet now please, so we can leave"
Mim "Well, you get the bloody pram out while I go to toilet!"
Poor Margaret, she decided to ignore that outburst.

Margaret "Jemima, you are a Bossy Bertha"
Mim "Well you are a Berthy Bossa!"

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