Thursday 31 March 2011

Olivia's Christening - August 2010

Last August, we flew to Sydney to attend my niece's christening. Michelle and Catherine, who were best friends as children and Michelle is now Catherine's aunt, had arranged for Olivia and Erica (go figure that relationship out, lol) to have a joint christening.

We drove to Melbourne to catch a late flight, but were moved onto an earlier flight because of an approaching storm. Michelle picked us up at the airport and did a Maccas run on the way to the hotel. Mim was so excited, getting to go on the plane and eat Maccas late at night and stay in a hotel.

Saturday morning (federal election voting day) was lovely and sunny. It was only a short walk to the cathedral for a lunchtime ceremony. Olivia behaved herself (fairly well), as did Erica. It was a lovely service followed by lunch at the Mosman RSL. Olivia wore a beautiful christening gown, cleverly made for her by Aunty Jenny. It looked like the heirloom it is sure to become.

That night we retired to Mary's to eat Livio's pizza (the best in Australia!) and chat. Unfortunately various members of the 'party' decided that having the election results playing on the TV was absolutely necessary, so it killed most of the conversation.

We caught a flight home on Sunday morning, and drove home, exhausted.

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