Wednesday 5 August 2009

Karaoke Queens

Jemima had been soooooo looking forward to Karaoke night at the pub. She had been studiously practising 'her song' so she could sing with Caitlin.

Caitlin put her requests in early this time. She and Jemima (or Jemma as the MC kept calling her) got to sing early on in the piece. They did a great job. Jemima had to stand on a chair to be seen over the autocue.

The girls sang Lady Gaga's "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)" and Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me". Caitlin did a solo on Miley's "The Climb".

Michael elected not to sing this time around, not with some of his students in the crowd.

I am very proud of the girls, especially of Caitlin. It's not easy for a 12yo to have the guts to sing in front of a crowd, with some of her peers listening in.

(sorry about the quality of video, it was dark in the pub and I've had to cut the original around to fit it on the blog)


Carla said...

Well done girls - you're both braver than I am :)

Geoffrey said...


KT said...

Yeah. Too bad I sound really bad (don't even try to say "no you don't")

Shaz said...

No you don't Caitlin, you sound nervous.