Caitlin had the unfortunate timing of spending her birthday at school camp. In the Grampians. Where it was a teensy bit cold! And where mobile phones were not allowed.
Luckily, one of the teachers offered to babysit the phones of Caitlin and another girl celebrating her birthday as well, so we parents could call our little girls on their big day.
Caitlin said she did abseiling, rock climbing, canoeing, flying foxing and giant swinging on her birthday. She said she had a good time at camp.
We celebrated her birthday when she got home on Friday night - with dinner at the pub and a yummy chocolate cake at home. The cake was just a packet chocolate cake, but I'd injected it with a raspberry dessert sauce and chocolate fudge sauce.

Most of Caitlin's presents had been received by her prior to her birthday (boots, coat, week's trip to Brisbane with oodles of spending money....) - so we only gave her some earrings and a hair straightener on Friday. Wrapped in paper painted by Mim at Kindy for that purpose.
Can't believe she is now officially a teenager (and officially taller than me)!
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