Friday, 18 July 2008

Wedding Fever

Yesterday, when it was a maximum of 13 degrees, Mim decided that she wanted to have a dress rehearsal for her wedding. She donned her white party dress and used some fake flowers as her bouquet. When asked what she was doing, she replied that she was practising for her wedding to Jackson.

"Do you want me to wear this dress to my wedding, Mummy?".
"No, darling, it will be way too small for you because you can't get married legally for another 14 years" (God, that doesn't sound that long away!!!!!)
(And when we were in a shoe shop today, she kept pulling shoes off the shelf saying, "These will go well with my wedding to Jackson")

After persuading her to remove the "wedding dress" and "go put on something warm!" she emerged with a long sleeved shirt and shorts! She insisted that she watned to make her own lunch, "It's my lunch, but you can help me, I'll tell you what to do". We compromised, I put jam on the bread and grated the cheese, she put on the honey. And she cut it into 'squares'.

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