Sunday, 17 February 2008

Th not F!

We were wandering in different parts of Mitre 10, when Mim came up to me and in a loud voice said "Mummy, I want you to thock daddy" Unfortunately Mim has difficulty in saying the "th" sound, it comes out as "f". And thocking is the noise made when you smack someone on the back of the head for being stupid.

Caitlin burst into laughter and said that Mim obviously really wanted a baby brother. One of the salesmen walking past just grinned and kept walking. Me, I started saying "Thock, Mim, Thock, it's a THHHHH sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

We've now started saying Wallop instead.

1 comment:

Meegan @ The Harvey Circus said...


And welcome back to the www :)