Friday, 27 April 2007

Attempt at fitness

What a busy few days it's been. First of all, Anzac Day. Caitlin had to march in the parade from Burnie Brae to the Kedron-Wavell RSL in her Job's Daughters outfit, so Mim and I marched with her .... well I marched and carried Mim most of the way. Then we sat facing the sun for the hour long service and watched one old lady fall over and flash her granny pants to the world. (Michael was quickly on scene to pull her skirt back down and protect what little dignity she had left).

I then spent most of the afternoon watching reruns of "Jamie's School Dinners", which I'd missed first time on commercial TV. My jaw dropped when I heard a paediatric dietitian say he was running constipation clinics for 6year olds who hadn't pooped in 6 weeks because of their diet (chocolate for breakfast, chips for lunch, chips and pizza for dinner). Wow! To think I feel really bad if I haven't had a serve of vegetables in 2 days!

Yesterday I decided to be healthy and ride Caitlin to school on our pushbikes. I've got the baby seat on the back for Mim. Going to school is not a problem, it's mostly downhill. Coming back is the difficult part. By the time I got home, I was panting and legs were about to fall off. Then of course I had to repeat the process to pick her up, but had to take her to piano lessons before heading home - again, lots of uphill bike pushing (I'm not riding up a hill for anyone). For the first time ever, I was wishing I had more fat on my backside! (The bikeseat needs to be more padded).

I'm hoping to repeat this process at least once a week now that the weather is getting cooler. Mim enjoys being a backseat driver, keeps telling me to "go faster!" or "that's too bumpy". Little lady of leisure with her sunnies and helmet on, and listening to the radio on my MP3 player.


Carla said...

hey that sounds like fun - can you ride me all over town while I laze away listening to music ?? :)

Shaz said...

No, but I've been sussing out the bikepaths over to your place - thought I might try a marathon one day - head over to Margaret's and the bike path near her and then head your way. Will need lots of water when I get there - and will be done in the middle of winter!