Friday, 9 March 2007

Eewww, Gross! Sex Education

Have just gotten back from taking C and her classmate (a boy!) to ballroom dancing. We tend to go once a fortnight, sometimes a group of girls, other times some boys join in.

As we were consuming the obligatory Baskin Robbins afterdance treat, C and M were talking about a book that their teacher read to them called All About Me. "It's about S...E...X, eeeww gross! They mentioned the P word and the little wriggly S ... oh yuck, I don't like talking about it!" (Had to stop myself from laughing out loud!) Apparently it is aimed towards a Grade 2 level and names all the relevant body parts. And talks about cats copulating and the male thingy getting, you know, hard. (How can you not laugh out loud!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't appreciate that article very much mum.