Saturday, 31 January 2009

Blessed Relief!!

It's still only 23 degrees at 8.00am. After four days of 40 plus degree heat, it is a welcome change!! We got to sleep in our own beds last night, it was cool enough.

Thank goodness it did cool down, because we had a power out at 7.30pm that lasted through until 11.30. No lights, no air-con, did I mention no lights?? Oh, and no water either - the tanks require water pumped to the house.

By the time I got home, unpacked the shopping, waved farewell to Michael's guest and got changed, it was after 8.30 and the pub kitchen was shut (too dark to cook on gas). Michael still opted to go to the pub for drinks - the clientele were all out on the front steps drinking. Viannah, Paul and Julie's daughter, chose to come up here and spend time with Caitlin and Mim.

So we got the candles out, and I made the girls scrambled eggs for dinner and we watched the world get darker, and darker, and darker. They played murder in dark for a little while, then decided to watch a movie on Caitlin's portable DVD player.

I had to stop Mim from opening the fridge, we were trying to keep things cold as we didn't know how long the power would be out.

"Mim, close the door of the fridge! You can't open the door."
"Because there is no electricity to keep the fridge cold."
"What happened to it?"
"Somebody used it all up."
" I didn't use it all up Mummy."
"I know you didn't sweetie"
"I used most of it, but not all!"

Response to "Unwelcome Visitor"

A girlfriend with experience emailed this in response to the previous blog:

I would say your visitor would have been a carpet snake. They tend to travel at night. If it was fairly large in size they may get to the chooks or possibly even Gomez as they dislocate their jaw, but unlikely. More likely after the eggs and mice etc as Michael said. He may be back if he has made residence close by. If you catch him, he has to be relocated at least 10 km away or else he will be back, but the best snake is one that has multiplied into many pieces (with the axe or my preference is if the snake eats some metal in the form of a bullet).

I totally agree with you, E! Unfortunately I'm a bit wary about letting Michael get a shotgun, I don't think I could cope with the blood when he shoots three fingers off, or a toe. Or gets pissed off with the dogs once too often.

Snakey hasn't been back (or hasn't been sighted, and I've kept a close eye on the pen). Neither have any of the dogs gone beserk. Lots hope we scared him/her off for good!

Friday, 30 January 2009

An Unwelcome Visitor

Caitlin stayed at a friend's house last night. I got to sleep on the couch as Mim had commandeered a bit more than half of the queen size air mattress (she's her father's daughter).

I'd let the dogs out about 9pm, it was getting dark and cooler than it had been so they needed their run around time and toilet time. After 30 minutes, I heard Gomez persistently barking. This is not unusual, he'll bark at any perceived movement - cockatoos in the trees, lizard through the bush, sheep grazing. I went out to yell at him to shut up..... but he was standing at the chook pen fence line barking.

I wandered over, in my thongs, to see a SNAKE on the other side. Inside the chook pen. It was too dark to make out what sort it was, and I wasn't going to peer over the fence to get a better look, but I think it may have had diamond type markings (or was that just the chook wire I could see)! I grabbed Gomez, called the other two and spent ages trying to get them inside. Then called Michael to come and look. He grumbled and put on his socks and boots, and collected the axe and torch before getting outside. By this stage, it had disappeared. Not sure if I was relieved it had gone, or more worried about where it had gone.

Michael assured me that the chooks should be okay, it was just after their eggs, or any mice that were scouting out the chook food. Whilst I love my chooks, no way was I going to check on their safety last night.

Jemima has been given strict instructions that she is not to collect eggs anymore, or even go outside without a parent. And she must always wear closed in shoes. It may have been a harmless snake, but with browns and tigers common in this area, we're not taking any chances. The damn dry weather has been good for snakes.

The chooks didn't lay any eggs this morning, and I don't blame them either. My clacker would be tight shut too if I'd been inside the same enclosure as that!!

Thursday, 29 January 2009

It's Hot

It's 5am. It's still 31 degrees. Lovely temperature for being at the beach, not so great for trying to sleep. There's a northwesterly 'breeze' blowing, bringing hot air from over the dessert.

Today reached 45 degrees here, according to the car temperature gauge - which has always been reliable in the past. But it was bearable, being a dry heat. Early this morning, we closed all windows, blinds and doors and that kept the house cool, well, relatively speaking. Probably low 30s inside the house.

The girls and I hit the pool when it opened at 1.30pm. The plan was to only stay half an hour so we wouldn't get too burnt - but it was soooo lovely. Water temp was 27 degrees. We stayed an hour. I took the life jacket off Mim and she practiced swimming. Up one length of the pool, across the width and back the other length. Probably 120m in total. Of course, this was all in two to four stroke stretches with much gasping whilst holding onto the side of the wall afterwards - but she's getting there! When we hopped back in the car, the temp gauge read 49 degrees (because it had been sitting in partial shade) before dropping to the realistic 43. It only hit 45 when I was driving to work at 3pm, in my lovely plastic work shirt, that doesn't breathe!!

We're all sleeping in the lounge room tonight - Caitlin on the couch, Mim on two cushions and Michael and I on the blow up mattress. It's the only room with air-con. Hadn't realised just how much the girls mutter in their sleep.

D Weather tells me there's no relief until Sunday. Whatever Adelaide gets, we get two days later.

Saturday, 24 January 2009

New Year's Photos

Musical Seats

I moved my car for Michael this morning so he could back his out of the garage. The dogs thought I might be going out, so came charging out and the minute I hopped out of the car, they both jumped in. No amount of calling would get them to move, Jess in the driver's seat and Sarah in the passenger's.

I went inside to get the camera and Jess followed me, but Sarah remained in the car.

No coaxing got her out of the passenger's side, so I walked around and opened that door. She immediately hopped into the driver's seat.

When I went around that side, she jumped into the back into Mim's carseat.

By hook or by crook, she wanted to go for a car ride!!

Letting Sleeping Dogs Lie

Whilst Sarah knows that she's in trouble and will sleep happily in the laundry (away from Michael), Jess still thinks she's queen of the world!

Breakfast in Bed

Last Friday night, Caitlin and Michael didn't get home from the pub until 1.30am, Caitlin was playing with the girls and Michael was 'networking'. Consequently, he had a little sleep in the following morning.

Mim went in to see him about 10.30 and he mentioned that he was hungry.

Mim went off into the kitchen and lovingly prepared Michael's brunch, unbeknown to Caitlin and I; we were watching Video Hits Retro special and loving the 80's music clips.

Michael walked into the lounge five minutes later, grinning. He had his 'brunch' with him to show everyone.

A wonderful honey sandwich consisting of two slices of crust and three miniscule dollops of honey, complemented by flowers from the garden.

How can you not love her!

Friday, 23 January 2009

Unusual body piercing

This picture speaks for itself!

Who is Smarter?

Your choices are:

The twelve year old, who collects two eggs from the chooks, and then 'accidentally' crushes one in her hand whilst trying to open the gate ('it was a reflex action, Mum!").

Or the four year old, who decides to don her dressing gown to collect the eggs, because then she can put the eggs safely into her pockets whilst she grapples with the gate.

I think we have a winner!

(Sorry, Caitlin, told you I was going to blog this. At least I'm not blogging your request to have the cement steps padded so that you won't hurt yourself next time you fall up them!!)

Mim's New PJs

Meegan, thanks for the beautiful PJs for Mim. She loves them! And she looks so cute in them!

The Dogs are in the Doghouse

Figuratively speaking!

Monday night we had a Lions' BBQ to attend, so the dogs were locked inside the laundry area. Upon return a few hours later, we discovered that they'd (well, either Sarah or Jess) scratched a hole in the wall. Probably to get at the rats/possum in the ceiling but they've still done a reasonable amount of damage.

Michael hit the roof, before hitting the dogs and chaining them outside. They were not allowed inside for a few days. They've got limited 'inside' time at the moment but have been better behaved on the whole. Apart from pissing themselves every time Michael walks by or speaks!

Michael's next project is to build a kennel and dog run for them. Until then, they can sleep with Jemima at night.

Another problem that has manifested itself - Sarah tries to bite the wool on the sheep. She does a wonderful job of rounding them up and stopping them from breaking away. But she tries to bite the wool around the neck area to control them, which will be a problem after they get shorn and there is only skin there! And she only does it when Jess is with her, trying to "sheepdog" them as well. When Sarah is on her own, she just follows the sheep around, keeping an eye on them and making sure they are okay.

We've got the name of a bloke that is supposedly a good trainer, so Michael wants me to contact him and have both dogs professionally trained.

Friday, 16 January 2009

Can you just imagine it!

Michael wants to get three more dogs so he can name them Trollop, Slattern and Doxie.

Can you just imagine it: "Get down, Slattern! Go behind, Doxie! Stop licking, Trollop!"

Maybe some goats might be safer! (Or then again... "Doxie won't stop chewing...", "Trollop devoured the....").

No, we'd better not get any more animals at this stage.

New Exercise Regime

Last weekend I got to the paddocks and played with Michael's weed whacker. They are looking so much better now.

My arms/legs really hurt afterwards, I spent about 3 hours doing this, mostly on sloping ground.

Still got the top paddocks to do, might see if we can hire/borrow a ride on mower or slasher!

Kitchen Goddesses

Mim broke in her new Christmas presents last week. She and Caitlin baked some triple choc muffins (a packet mix) using her new wooden spoons and new silicone muffin tray. They turned out very yummy.

Meanwhile, I turned this

to this

We managed to collect a lot of the plums from the regular plum trees and I attempted plum jam. The first attempt wasn't successful, I hadn't added enough sugar, so it turned into plum sauce (the larger squat jar). We'll use it in a chilli plum beef stirfry. Yummmm.

The second two attempts were more successful. It is sweet enough and jammy enough (although I think the last one had too much sugar, it's more of a paste consistency than jam) and Mim and Caitlin both like it.

The 'cherry tomato plums' are ripening up now, time to attempt turning them into jam.

The new Chook Ritz

The chook pen has been relocated. It is now no longer the Chook Best Western, but the Chook Ritz.

Michael and I spent a fair bit of time yesterday (in the sun) fencing off the new enclosure. The chooks seemed to like being under the tree with a lot of loose dirt to scratch around in. But the move must have been a bit stressful, we only got one egg this morning.

Today's job is to line the base of the fenceline with bricks and to fix the gate. Oh, and clean the house to get rid of the dead chook and dog piss aroma. The dogs had dug up the dead chook and had been munching on it, so they stink. Bad.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Mim Moments

Here are a few Mim moments that occurred over the last fortnight:

I walked into Mim's darkened bedroom at 9.30 one night, she was sitting in 'her office' in front of her computer typing messages to her friends (Owen and Charlotte), and asked me to email them for her (she doesn't have internet connection). I deleted them. Meegan/Carla - can you please translate fghjhgfhkjkhfghjkjhgfhgjhjkjhfhjhkjkjh for your children. Thanks

Mim walking around the house with Caitlin's old mobile pressed to her ear, "Charlotte, I TOLD you I'd call you when I finished getting dressed! Stop annoying me!" (Poor Charlotte!)

Mim was helping me serve dessert. She took out spoons and forks for the dessert participants and then helped take out the cheesecake, a bowl at a time. After the last bowl went out, she came racing back into the kitchen, saying "bugger, I forgot my spoon". Very Very hard not to laugh.

The following night she also helped serve dessert. Overheard her say, as she passed Margaret her dessert, "try not to make a mess!"

We all watched Mary Poppins on TV the other night but Mim was actually watching the Greek version, Mary Popolis.

Mim wandering around the yard with the dogs, singing "Hello Mr Heartbreak, I've been suspecting (expecting) you..." (a song by the Dickie Chicks, as she calls them).

Mim, singing Redneck Woman (Gretchen Wilson) in the back of the car "I'm a redneck woman, Hell, yeah!"

When Margaret told Mim to clean up her mess in the loungeroom, Mim replied "Who made you Boss of the World!" (when Michael came here to hear this, he told Mim "I made Mumma Boss!)

Monday, 12 January 2009

And down to Three

The dogs plucked another chook. And it didn't make it.

So Saturday morning, after the chook had been dead for about 12 hours, Michael took it and beat the dogs with it.

Apparently it exploded with the first thwack against Sarah. Both Sarah and Michael's legs were covered with chook goo.

Yick! Both dogs got a good bath that afternoon, and Michael's jeans went straight through the wash.

I think they may have learnt a lesson... but we are still moving hte chook house and redoing an enclosure. Damned birds still fly with their wings clipped, so we're placing the house in the middle of a fenced area so they can't use the house to fly over the fence.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Welcome, 2009!

The week between Christmas and New Year was a busy time for us.

Not only did we have Margaret staying with us, Dad also decided to join us for a few days before driving back to Qld (via Canberra). And he brought the family Xmas present down - a Wii!

The girls love Wii-ing. Jemima spent three hours one afternoon practising her bowling, batting, skiing, ski jumping, snowboarding...... and hula hooping. Dad has the video. I managed to get on it one morning and score the top three records for most of the games - just as an incentive for Caitlin to beat me!! And she has.

Dad did a lot of work on our computer whilst he was down here. I no longer have any of the familiar programs, he installed "better" ones that I'm getting used to gradually. And he took away a lot of the crap that had been sitting on the machine since the day we bought it (about 5 years ago). But it's working a lot quicker these days!

I had the misfortune of having to work days during this week, but Michael ably entertained Dad by driving him around the countryside and making regular stops at the pub for watering. Michael allegedly suggested that they drive out to Merino to see the ghost town, Dad told him not to bother because it was just "more hills".

We all had dinner at the pub on New Year's Eve. We were also joined by Unclepeterrice, as Mim calls him. Dinner and a show, Coleraine style again. Michael ordered the crumbed scotch fillet, it had to come out on two plates (plus a third plate for Michael to get his vegies on).

Michael's meal

The music was loud and very country, but apart from that, it wasn't too bad. I was the designated driver that night, so I dropped Margaret, Caitlin and Dad home around 10.30pm. Mim, Michael and Rice were still playing. By the time I got back to the pub (11.30), Mim had migrated upstairs to "the girls" and Rice was being chatted up by a salsa dancing nurse. Really wish my camera had batteries working then! We saw the new year in and finally persuaded Mim to leave around 1.30am.

Poppy, not looking happy with the music

Ready, aim

The next day we bid farewell to both Dad and Rice and the house seemed a lot quieter after that.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Poor Dhruv

Dhruv came to play and stay the night the day after boxing day. I picked him up in Mt Gambier and came home via Gertie's to get the children.

Caitlin decided that the afternoon would be spent in the pool. It being a hot 25 degrees, one of the warmer days we've had this summer so far.

After an afternoon swimming, followed by a dinner at the pub, the "big kids" decided to stay up and watch videos until after midnight. Dhruv decided that he wanted to be tired enough to sleep the next day on the trip home to Bendigo.

And he got his wish. The videos were still going at 12.30am when I got up to shut up the dogs. And when the dogs were released at 5.30am, Jess went tearing in and tried to nibble Dhruv's ear. At 5.45am, Sarah went in to say good morning to him.

And, at 6.30am Mim decided she wanted to snuggle in with him as well.

There was no hope for the poor boy!!!